New in Superhuman AI: Ask AI
New in Superhuman AI: Ask AI

There are 1 billion professionals in the world, and on average we each receive 3 million words of email every single year. That's more than 60 average length novels sent to each of us, every single year. Multiplied by 1 billion professionals, this rapidly becomes an unimaginable amount of information.

A lot of this information is critical: project statuses, customer communication, meeting updates, deal execution, delivery deadlines, candidate hiring, travel details, and so much more. But a lot of it isn't. What really matters is hidden within massive amounts of noise.

So how do we find what we need? For over 40 years, we have been stuck with "search". We remember the sender, type in the right keywords, scan myriad subject lines, and then — if we're lucky — we find what we're looking for. Or at least some emails that just maybe contain it. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

I am thrilled to announce our latest Superhuman AI feature: Ask AI 🧠

Get Superhuman

You can now get rapid answers without having to remember senders, guess keywords, or comb through messages. Just ask: "where is the q2 offsite", "when is my flight", "where am I staying", and we'll immediately generate succinct answers. You can ask follow-up questions in a conversation. And you can even ask questions that combine information from across multiple emails: "find positive quotes about instant reply". Before Ask AI, this would require multiple searches and 15 minutes of manual work. With Ask AI, it's done in seconds!

How Ask AI Compares

You may be wondering how Ask AI is better than AI search in Gmail or Outlook. First, just like the rest of Superhuman, Ask AI is blazingly fast — it is 2-3x faster than the AI search in Gmail and Outlook, which makes you 2-3x faster as well. Second, Ask AI provides much more accurate and comprehensive answers. And third, Ask AI is available now…

Ready to go?

If you'd like Ask AI, hit Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) Ask Superhuman AI (Join Waitlist) and share your information. We'll then turn it on and let you know when it's ready.

If you haven't tried Superhuman AI, hit Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Activate Superhuman AI. And if you’re not yet using Superhuman, sign up today.

Ask AI is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more!

Onwards 🚀

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