How to use AI email marketing in 2024: Complete guide
How to use AI email marketing in 2024: Complete guide

Email marketing has been a main form of successful digital marketing for decades, and it offers a direct and effective channel for businesses to connect with their target audience. 

But the evolution of technology, specifically the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), is bringing in a new era of possibilities and opportunities within email marketing.

The emergence of AI-powered tools has streamlined the process of creating and sending emails, and it’s elevating the entire email marketing landscape to new heights. 

Now, marketers have access to sophisticated algorithms and data analytics that allow them to go beyond generic email blasts and instead deliver personalized, timely, and relevant content tailored to each recipient’s preferences and behaviors. And to do it all faster than ever before.

In recent years, AI has become the driving force behind the transformation of email marketing. It has empowered marketers to understand their audience on a deeper level, anticipate their needs and desires, and craft highly targeted campaigns that resonate on a personal level. 

From segmenting audiences based on real-time data to optimizing email content for maximum engagement, AI has revolutionized the way businesses approach email marketing strategies.

In 2024, it’s important for businesses to get familiar with the nuances of AI email marketing to maintain a competitive edge in the digital landscape. Let’s get into it.

What is AI email marketing?

AI email marketing is an exciting new way for businesses to connect with their audience through email campaigns. 

By using AI, marketers can analyze large amounts of data and use it to send personalized, targeted content to each person. Forget about sending boring, generic mass emails — AI allows for dynamic segmentation, predictive analytics, and automated workflows to make your email marketing campaigns more effective and relevant.

One of the best aspects of AI email marketing is how personalized it can be. With AI algorithms, marketers can divide their audience based on their behavior, preferences, and past interactions. This means they can send highly customized content like tailored offers, product recommendations, and messaging that actually resonates with each person. Personalization not only makes people more engaged, but also paves the way for stronger customer relationships and loyalty over time.

AI-driven predictive analytics is another essential part of email marketing. AI can predict customer behavior, forecast campaign performance, and automatically make decisions to ensure each email is impactful. Marketers can run A/B tests on subject lines and optimize the send times based on when people are most engaged. 

With AI, marketers can make data-driven decisions to drive results and ROI.

What are some AI tools for email marketing?

When it comes to tools you can use for email marketing, there are a few noteworthy contenders. 

Hubspot’s AI Email Writer is a free public beta that allows you to use AI to generate sales outreach emails, gain access to templates, and generate email content for a wide range of audience segments. Hubspot also offers an AI Email Copy Generator to help you generate high-quality emails in minutes — just provide a topic, talking points, and tone of voice, and AI will do the rest. 

Another option is Adobe Marketo Engage — when it comes to email marketing specifically, Marketo Engage is filled with templates, tools, and a visual editor to help you bring your ideas to life. It also provides real-time updates based on behavior and demographic changes to ensure segment accuracy, and allows you to use A/B/n testing, predictive content, and triggered emails to improve personalization overall.

If you’re looking for a fast, high-quality AI email tool with minimal work required on your part, Superhuman is changing the game. Superhuman allows you to write emails with just one line — give us some phrases, and we’ll turn them into a fleshed-out email for you. 

Plus, Superhuman AI works to match the voice used in the emails you’ve previously sent, applying that same voice to everything it generates to ensure overarching consistency. With Superhuman, you can say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to productivity for effective email marketing efforts. 

What are the benefits of AI email marketing?

When it comes to AI email marketing, there’s a wide range of potential benefits. Here are some of the most prominent:


AI algorithms can divide people into groups based on what they like, how they act, and who they are. This helps marketers send messages that speak directly to each person.


AI can take over tedious, repetitive tasks like dividing lists, testing different message versions, and improving campaigns, instead allowing you and your team to focus on what's important.

Predictive analytics

AI-powered predictive analytics predict what customers might do in the future, like buying something or unsubscribing. This helps businesses plan ahead and take action.

Dynamic content

AI can make sure emails change based on what people do. This keeps your emails interesting and relevant to your audience, no matter where people are in their buying journey.

Improved deliverability

AI algorithms analyze engagement metrics and optimize send times, subject lines, and content to improve email deliverability and inbox placement.

How to implement AI email marketing: Best practices

So, how can you make sure you’re using AI email marketing to its fullest potential?

To make the most of AI in your email marketing, consider these strategies and best practices:

Data collection and integration

Gather data from various sources, including website interactions, purchase history, social media engagement, and CRM systems.

Use AI-powered tools to bring all of your data together into one place and create a complete picture of your customers. This will help you personalize and target your marketing efforts effectively.

Audience segmentation and targeting

Segment your audience using AI algorithms based on customers’ real-time behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns. You can also use AI to target specific customer behaviors, like cart abandonment or email opens, with relevant content and offers.

Personalized content creation

Implement dynamic content blocks that adjust based on recipient data, such as location, purchase history, or browsing behavior. Then, use AI-driven recommendation engines to suggest products or services based on individual preferences and past interactions.

Campaign optimization and testing

One of the most important parts of any marketing strategy is testing — after all, how will you know what’s working (and what isn’t) if you don’t test it properly? 

Conduct A/B tests using AI algorithms to optimize email elements such as subject lines, CTAs, images, and layout for maximum engagement.

Leverage predictive analytics to forecast campaign performance and make data-driven decisions for continuous optimization. Continuing to optimize and improve upon your strategies is a crucial part of making sure your marketing is working for you, not against you.

Automation and workflow enhancement

With AI, you can set up automated email workflows that are triggered by specific actions or events. Welcome series, abandoned cart reminders, and re-engagement campaigns are just a few examples.

Maintaining compliance and privacy

Compliance is key for any business. Make sure you’re staying in compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR by obtaining consent, providing opt-out options, and safeguarding customer data.

Especially in today’s world of technology, it’s important to implement data security measures to protect customer information and build trust among subscribers.

The landscape of AI email marketing is constantly changing and evolving — and if you want to keep up with it, it’s important to understand the latest news and trends. 

Here are some trends in the world of AI email marketing:


Hyper-personalization has gone beyond just addressing people by their first name. These days, AI algorithms can analyze data points (like browsing history, purchase behavior, social media interactions, and even real-time contextual data) to create highly personalized email experiences for users. 

For example, an online store might use AI to analyze a customer's past purchases, browsing patterns, and preferences in order to recommend products that match their specific style and needs. This kind of personalization not only boosts engagement, but also drives conversion rates and customer loyalty.

Predictive engagement

Predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms give marketers the power to better predict customer behavior, such as their likelihood to make a purchase, their churn risk, or their content preferences. 

An AI-powered system can predict when a subscriber is about to abandon their cart, for example, and automatically send a personalized email with incentives to help convince them to complete their purchase. This approach improves conversion rates while also enhancing the overall customer experience.

AI-powered content generation

AI-driven content generation tools, powered by technologies like natural language processing (NLP) and generative AI models, are revolutionizing email content creation. 

These tools can dynamically generate email content, subject lines, and CTAs based on recipient data — which opens the door to more engaging and relevant communication. 

For example, a travel agency might use AI to create personalized travel itineraries based on a customer's destination preferences, budget constraints, and past travel history, resulting in highly targeted and compelling emails that drive bookings.

Voice and visual AI integration

The integration of voice assistants and visual AI technologies into email marketing is introducing interactive and immersive experiences. Voice-enabled emails allow recipients to engage with content using voice commands, such as listening to product descriptions or navigating through offers. 

On a similar note, visual AI technologies enable interactive elements like image carousels, product showcases, and personalized visual content based on user preferences. This integration not only enhances engagement but also strengthens brand recall and recognition.

Ethical AI practices

As AI continues to play a significant role in email marketing, businesses are prioritizing ethical AI practices to build trust and maintain positive relationships with customers. This includes ensuring transparency in data usage, respecting user privacy preferences, and implementing fair and unbiased algorithms. 

By adhering to ethical AI principles, businesses can foster trust, loyalty, and long-term engagement with their audience while mitigating risks associated with data privacy and algorithmic biases.

The bottom line

In 2024, email marketing powered by AI has become a must-have tool for businesses. It helps them drive customer engagement, boost conversions, and keep customers coming back for more. 

By using algorithms, smart predictions, and personalized content strategies, marketers can create email experiences that hit all the right notes with their audience and get real results. And as AI tech keeps getting better, keeping up with the latest trends and tactics will be crucial for staying ahead in the cutthroat world of digital marketing.

If you’re looking to scale your email efforts and make them more efficient, turn to us at Superhuman — the fastest email experience ever designed. Plus, with Superhuman AI, you can enjoy an email inbox that composes, summarizes, and drafts responses for you automatically. See how we can help you and your team improve your productivity