Superhuman for Sales
Superhuman for Sales

At Superhuman, we set out to build the fastest email experience in the world. Our customers get through their email twice as fast as before, reply 12 hours sooner, and save 4 hours or more every single week. See the love here! 💜

We all know that email is the lifeblood of business. After all, when was the last time you closed a deal without sending an email?

We also know that sales reps spend more time in email than any other tool. But email itself was never designed for sales:

  • Sellers need to constantly switch out of their email into their CRM, their sales engagement platform, and multiple other tools just to move deals forward. Not only does this slow down every reply, quote, proposal, and contract, two-thirds of reps feel overwhelmed by their sales apps.
  • Account executives have to frequently paste screenshots of emails into Slack or Teams just to collaborate and get deals done. Sales cycles are already 23% longer than in 2022, and this makes them longer.
  • Sales managers need to regularly coach reps on email behavior, but this is fiddly and very time consuming.

This leads to wasted time, inefficient collaboration, longer deal cycles, and — most importantly — lost deals.  Win rates have declined 17% since 2022, and more than 70% of reps expect to miss quota.

It's time to fix this!

I am beyond thrilled to announce Superhuman for Sales, the first email experience designed specifically for sales. With collaborative workflows, powerful AI, and blazingly fast tools, reps can work more deals and win them faster.

Get Superhuman

Collaborate from your inbox

You can now share, comment, and collaborate right from your inbox.

Imagine you want to get a deal discount approved. You might need input from your manager, your finance team, and possibly your RevOps partner.

In Gmail or Outlook, you would have to BCC your emails, forward your replies, and paste screenshots into Slack. You would have to constantly update these artifacts to keep everybody in the loop. Even as you get approval and tell the customer, you would have to keep going back to the CRM to update your notes and keep your manager informed.

With Superhuman for Sales, you can now comment directly on an email and @mention your teammates. This will share a live view of the email, including past and future messages on the same conversation. Your teammates can then review and comment with full context. This keeps the conversation in one place, and everybody on the same page.

As you progress, you can update HubSpot or Salesforce without leaving Superhuman — even custom properties and custom fields. Keep your manager informed without ever losing flow.

Close more deals with AI and insights

Give your team the insights to know what to do, and the AI to do it flawlessly.

Top performers are great at reaching out at just the right time. With Superhuman for Sales, every seller can now do the same. Use Smart Send to deliver emails when they're most likely to be opened. You'll appear at the top of their inbox, at just the right time. Use Recent Opens to see a realtime feed of people opening your emails. You'll follow up when you're top of mind, and touch base with perfect timing.

Top performers are also very fast, and can write difficult emails quickly and easily.  With Superhuman for Sales, every seller can now write faster than before. Just jot down some phrases, and Superhuman AI will turn them into a fully written email. Best of all, the email sounds like you. Superhuman AI matches the voice and tone in the emails you've already sent, applying that to everything it creates.

Execute every deal flawlessly

Imagine running a flawless sales cycle with zero wasted time. Imagine doing this every single time.

When scheduling, use Share Availability to book meetings instantly. Just select the times you're free, and we'll insert direct booking links into your email. No more back and forth just to fill your calendar.

When you send an email, just choose a time — for example, 2 days. If you don't hear back by then, we'll remind you to follow up. You'll follow up on time, every time.

Eventually, we all hit the same limit: the sheer time it takes to type. With Snippets, you can automate typing and push past this limit. Insert phrases, common responses, and the most effective outreach. You can also share these with your team, so everybody moves faster with the highest performing messaging.

With Superhuman for Sales, you can deliver the perfect buyer experience every single time.

Ready to go?

To learn more, read about how UserGems is closing deals 25% faster and how Rilla is increasing sales capacity by 40%.

"Superhuman is a brand new category of sales tool — helping with every touch from lead to closed-won and beyond. Our GTM team is obsessed and constantly raves about it! We respond faster, follow up better, and get more done." - Sergey Mann, Director of Revenue Operations, Hebbia AI

To turn on Superhuman for Sales, click the Settings icon in the Superhuman web app or desktop app, and then click the Superhuman for Sales toggle.

If you're not yet using Superhuman, sign up today. Or if you'd like to talk to sales, just drop us a line!

Onwards 🚀

Get Superhuman