How to use AI to write an email: The ultimate AI email writer guide in 2024
How to use AI to write an email: The ultimate AI email writer guide in 2024

AI technology is transforming daily tasks across every industry. Now, it's reshaping how we write email. AI email writers are the new way of communicating, making your emails faster, smarter, and more efficient.

Using AI to write emails ensures precision and speed. These tools excel in crafting messages with accurate grammar and tailored tone. 

Plus, AI analyzes your past email to keep your communication style consistent. AI writers streamline your writing process for personal use or email marketing. Boost productivity and enhance the quality of your interactions.

See how AI can change how you manage your inbox and connect with others.

What are AI email writers?

AI email writers are advanced software tools. They use artificial intelligence to craft email. 

AI uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to generate, format, and personalize email. These outputs are based on user input and historical data.

What are the benefits of using AI to write emails? 

Using AI to write emails revolutionizes how we manage our digital communications. 

Here's why integrating AI email writers into your workflow is a game-changer:

  • Speed: AI dramatically speeds up email creation. Automating the drafting process, which used to take minutes or hours, now takes seconds. AI tools quickly generate complete emails based on brief inputs, allowing you to respond to messages quicker and handle a higher volume of correspondence.
  • Accuracy in grammar and tone: AI ensures your emails are grammatically correct and tone-appropriate. Advanced language models are trained to detect and correct errors in real time and provide suggestions that enhance readability and professionalism.
  • Consistency in communication: One of AI's standout features is its ability to learn and mimic your writing style. By analyzing your past emails, AI tools maintain a consistent voice and style in your communications. This consistency is important for personal branding. And we can't forget effective customer engagement.
  • Routine responses: AI excels in handling repetitive email tasks. Whether it's appointment confirmations, customer inquiries, or regular updates, AI can automate these responses with personalized touches, freeing up your time for more complex tasks.

Aside from the above, AI can also allow you to translate emails, summarize long text, or shorten or lengthen a draft to your liking.

How to use AI to write different types of emails 

Using AI to write emails can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your communication. 

Here’s how to start using AI to help you with different types of emails, including marketing, customer service, internal communication, and customized AI suggestions to align with your brand voice:

  1. Choose Your AI Tool: Select an AI email writer that integrates well with your existing email platform like Gmail or Microsoft. 
  2. Choose Your Messaging: For each email, decide what you’re trying to convey, and input standard details like greetings, sign-offs, and common phrases your brand uses. Think about how your email should sound. For marketing, it might be a more professional but engaging tone, for example.
  3. Prompt AI To Create a Draft: Prompt your AI tool with the necessary details so that it can create an email draft for you.
  4. Adjust as Needed: Modify the AI's suggestions to suit the tone of your brand, and make any other tweaks as necessary. Whether formal, conversational, or playful, ensure the AI captures the right voice.
  5. Get Feedback: Get feedback from your friends or colleagues on how your email sounds.
  6. Send: Once you’re happy with the draft, send your email on its way.

By following these steps, you can leverage AI to create tailored emails for any purpose, ensuring they resonate with your audience while saving you time and enhancing your communication strategy.

How to choose the right AI email writer

Selecting the best AI email writer in 2024 is crucial for creating better emails. 

Popular tools like OpenAi's ChatGPT and Grammarly's AI stand out. ChatGPT excels in generating comprehensive email content, while Grammarly focuses on ensuring grammatical precision and a professional tone. However, note that some of these tools don't directly integrate into Gmail or Outlook. That might be ok, but you'll have to do some copy/paste work if you select a tool that doesn't live in your inbox.

When choosing an AI tool, prioritize ease of use and seamless integration with your existing platforms. Popular email platforms include Gmail and Microsoft Outlook. Also, consider the tool's automation and personalization features — effective AI learns from past interactions and refines its output, enhancing engagement and response rates.

Selecting an AI tool that meets these criteria and your desired pricing will ensure your email is well-crafted.

Superhuman is built specifically for teams using Gmail and Outlook, and has OpenAI's ChatGPT directly integrated into the user experience. With Superhuman AI, jot down a few phrases and we'll turn them into a full email, matching the voice and tone of previous emails you've sent.

Because tools like Superhuman live in your inbox, it can even match your voice and tone, based on the emails you have sent in the past. Curious to see how this works? Head here to see more about using AI in email with Superhuman. 

Some more advanced tools will even auto-draft replies for you, compose email summaries, or suggest next steps based on email content. The field of AI is advancing rapidly, so consider selecting a tool that is continuously innovating and adding new functionality. 

What are some best practices for AI-assisted email writing?

Using AI for email writing boosts efficiency but requires a careful approach to maintain personal touch and authenticity. 

Here's how to ensure your AI-assisted emails resonate with recipients while upholding ethical standards.

Personalizing AI-generated emails

Personalization is key in AI-generated emails. Most AI tools can start the draft and add a subject line, but it's your job to add personal touches that reflect genuine interactions. 

Tailor each message by including the recipient's name, referencing specific details from previous communications, or mentioning relevant events. 

These small adjustments make a big difference in how recipients perceive your emails, transforming them from generic to genuine.

Reviewing and editing AI suggestions

Always review and edit AI suggestions before sending. AI is powerful but might not capture nuances or specific tones you intend for every audience. 

Scrutinize each draft for tone, style, and content accuracy. 

Make necessary adjustments to align with your message's intent and ensure clarity and professionalism. This step is crucial to avoid potential misunderstandings or errors that AI might overlook.

Ethical considerations and authenticity

Ethical use of AI in email writing involves transparency and respect for privacy. 

Be upfront about using AI where appropriate, especially in sensitive contexts. Maintain authenticity by ensuring the AI doesn't misrepresent or overpromise, which could lead to trust issues with your audience. 

Also, ensure that your use of AI complies with all relevant data protection regulations, safeguarding your recipients' information. Be aware if the tool you use trains new models by using your data. The best tools available, like Superhuman, make it clear that your emails are never used to train models, so your data remains safe. 

By following these best practices, you can leverage AI to enhance your email writing while ensuring the content remains thoughtful, personalized, and ethically sound. 

This approach improves engagement and builds trust and reliability in your communications.

The bottom line

Embracing AI to write emails represents a significant shift towards more efficient and impactful communication. 

The key benefits of using AI include faster email drafting, enhanced grammar accuracy, and a consistent style that aligns with past communications. These tools streamline your email processes and ensure high quality in every message sent.

AI email writers continue to evolve, promising more intuitive interactions and deeper integration into our daily workflows. As these tools develop, they offer greater potential to transform how we connect with colleagues and customers.

We encourage you to experiment with AI to discover its full potential in your email strategy. Continuous learning and adaptation are essential as AI technologies advance and new capabilities emerge. 

Start exploring the power of AI in writing by trying out Superhuman — the fastest AI-powered email experience ever made. Try Superhuman for your team today and dive into the future of email.