Christina Marfice
Christina Marfice

Tech writer and content strategist

14 customer retention strategies from top brands

14 customer retention strategies from top brands

These are some of the customer retention strategies used by top brands — and how you can use them for your business
17 recruiting email templates (+ how to write a recruiting email)

17 recruiting email templates (+ how to write a recruiting email)

These 17 recruiting email templates will have you covered for every situation — from first touch to interview invitations, offer letters, rejections, and more.
Digital Minimalism summary — key takeaways from Cal Newport's groundbreaking work

Digital Minimalism summary — key takeaways from Cal Newport's groundbreaking work

This is the Digital Minimalism summary you need if you want to read Cal Newport's groundbreaking book, but just don't have the time.
What are the easiest fonts to read?

What are the easiest fonts to read?

The easiest fonts to read often depend on the context — where and how you're using them. Here's how to choose the right font for your needs.
Busy vs productive: Which are you?

Busy vs productive: Which are you?

Busy vs productive: what's the difference, and why does it matter? To maximize your success and impact, you should be both. Here's how.
The best time to send sales emails

The best time to send sales emails

What's the best time to send sales emails? It's not a simple question to answer — it can depend on your industry, audience, and more.
How to build a customer success team from scratch

How to build a customer success team from scratch

As your business grows, you'll need to build a customer success team to ensure all customers get the most out of your product or service. Here's how.
Is it pretentious to send Calendly links?

Is it pretentious to send Calendly links?

Earlier this year, a debate started on Twitter over Calendly links: are they a useful scheduling tool, or are they pretentious? Here's everything you need to know.
What are the characteristics of an ideal workspace?

What are the characteristics of an ideal workspace?

What are the characteristics of an ideal workspace, and how can you apply them to in-person, remote, and hybrid offices?
Productivity equations: how to measure office output

Productivity equations: how to measure office output

What are productivity equations, and can they actually accurately measure your team's output? This ultimate guide is the key to measuring productivity.
Managing the 8 different types of learners

Managing the 8 different types of learners

Here's how managers can identify and lead all of the 8 different types of learners they may encounter on their teams.
Inbox Zero training for your team

Inbox Zero training for your team

With Inbox Zero training, your team can save 3 hours per week spent on email — per team member. Here's everything you need to know.
16 business productivity tools to supercharge your team

16 business productivity tools to supercharge your team

These 16 business productivity tools can help your team save hundreds of hours each week.
How to improve productivity through design

How to improve productivity through design

We already know that a beautiful workspace can help make you more productive. But how does that translate to your digital workspace?
How to set goals

How to set goals

Goal-setting is a skill that takes practice to perfect. Here's how to set goals using a science-backed framework that will help you achieve them.
How to create a personal life dashboard

How to create a personal life dashboard

Creating a personal life dashboard allows you to track everything about your life with data and KPIs. Here's everything you need to know to get started.
How much is too much screen time for adults?

How much is too much screen time for adults?

There's a lot of discussion about the impact of screen time on kids, but what about adults? This is what the research says, and how to cut down on screen time in a digital world.
12 apps for getting things done

12 apps for getting things done

These 12 apps can either help you learn and use the Getting Things Done framework directly, or complement it.
Subvocalization: What is it and how to avoid it while reading

Subvocalization: What is it and how to avoid it while reading

Is subvocalization keeping you from reading faster? Learn what it is and how you can avoid it while reading.
Showdown: Inbox Zero vs Inbox Infinity

Showdown: Inbox Zero vs Inbox Infinity

Inbox Zero and Inbox Infinity are two polar opposite sides of the email management spectrum. But is Inbox Infinity actually a strategy for email management?
How to design the perfect Hack Day

How to design the perfect Hack Day

A hack day allows your organization or team to spend an entire day building something exciting from scratch. Here's how to organize your own hack day.